Cetacean biodiversity, spatial and temporal trends based on stranding records (1920-2016), Victoria, Australia
Chantel Sarah Foord aff001; Karen M. C. Rowe aff002; Kate Robb aff001
Působiště autorů:
Marine Mammal Foundation, Mentone, Victoria, Australia
aff001; Sciences Department, Museums Victoria, Carlton, Victoria, Australia
aff002; School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Cetacean stranding records can provide vital information on species richness and diversity through space and time. Here we collate stranding records from Victoria, Australia and assess them for temporal, spatial and demographic trends. Between 1920 and 2016, 424 stranding events involving 907 individuals were recorded across 31 Cetacea species from seven families, including five new species records for the state. Seven of these events were mass strandings, and six mother and calf strandings were recorded. Importantly, 48% of the species recorded are recognised as data deficient on the IUCN Red List. The most commonly recorded taxa were Tursiops spp. (n = 146) and Delphinus delphis (common dolphins, n = 81), with the greatest taxonomic richness (n = 24) and highest incidence of stranding events documented within the Otways mesoscale bioregion. We found no seasonal stranding patterns anywhere in the state. While our findings improve understanding of the spatial and temporal patterns of cetacean diversity within Victoria, we suggest greater effort to collect demographic data at stranding events in order to better study state-wide patterns through time. We conclude with guidelines for minimum data collection standards for future strandings to maximise information capture from each event.
Klíčová slova:
Australia – Dolphins – Humpback whales – Species diversity – Beaked whales – Sperm whales – Killer whales – Cetacea
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