Impact of sports activity on Polish adults: Self-reported health, social capital & attitudes
Łukasz Skrok aff001; Dawid Majcherek aff002; Hanna Nałęcz aff003; Elżbieta Biernat aff004
Působiště autorů:
Department of Business Economics, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodległości, Warsaw, Poland
aff001; Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodległości, Warsaw, Poland
aff002; Department of Children and Adolescents Health, Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw, Poland
aff003; Department of Tourism, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodległości, Warsaw, Poland
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
The aim of our study was a quasi-experimental estimation of the relationship between sports activity and social capital, and an assessment made at an individual level of the impact of sports activity on health, beliefs and the social situation of Polish adults. Matching estimation method and Social Diagnosis data were used. The dataset enables not only an analysis of the self-reported health, but also of social capital. The panel structure of the data and the applied method allow for stratifying the sample using past characteristics, including past sports activity, as well as for assessing outcomes after the treatment—engaging in sports activity—takes place. Both allow for an interpretation of the results as reflections of a causal relationship. Even though publications applying matching estimation or IV estimation to assess the impact of sports activity have recently been increasing in number, ours is the first to concentrate on the effects on multidimensional social capital for adults using panel data and matching estimation. It is also the first to focus on a country that is neither one of the most developed in the world or one of the least developed. The results obtained suggest significant heterogeneity in terms of age, gender and place of living. We also found that sports contributed to building social networks and being socially active. Our research indicates that sports activity enhances social health. It can be used as a tool for a policy of social activation and strengthening the health potential of adults, especially those over 40.
Klíčová slova:
Age groups – Alcohol consumption – Alcohols – Behavior – Behavioral and social aspects of health – Physical activity – Schools – Sports
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