Self-efficacy, procrastination, and burnout in post-secondary faculty: An international longitudinal analysis

Autoři: Nathan C. Hall aff001;  So Yeon Lee aff001;  Sonia Rahimi aff001
Působiště autorů: Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada aff001
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(12)
Kategorie: Research Article


To address the present research gap on relations between motivational beliefs, self-regulation failure, and psychological health in post-secondary faculty, the present study used associative latent growth modeling to longitudinally examine relationships between self-efficacy, procrastination, and burnout (emotional exhaustion) in faculty internationally. Findings from 3,071 faculty participants (70% female, 69 countries) over three time points (5–6 month lags) showed greater self-efficacy at baseline to correspond with lower procrastination and burnout, and procrastination to be positively related to burnout (intercepts). Growth analyses additionally revealed stronger relations between increases in self-efficacy, procrastination, and burnout over time (slopes). Supplemental cross-lagged analyses provided causal evidence of burnout as an antecedent of self-efficacy and procrastination, underscoring intervention and policy efforts to address overwork and exhaustion in post-secondary faculty.

Klíčová slova:

Behavior – Emotions – Global health – Mental health and psychiatry – Psychological stress – Research assessment – Research validity – Social research


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