Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.) decrease visceral fat, yet augment glucose in dyslipidemic rats
Celina C. Q. Dias aff001; Marta S. Madruga aff001; Maria Manuela E. Pintado aff002; Gabriel Henrique Oliveira Almeida aff003; Ana Paula Vilar Alves aff004; Francileide Amaro Dantas aff004; Jéssyka Kallyne Galvão Bezerra aff004; Marília Ferreira Frazão Tavares de Melo aff004; Vanessa Bordin Viera aff004; Juliana Késsia B. Soares aff004
Působiště autorů:
DEA—Department of Food Engineering, Technology Centre, Federal University of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil
aff001; Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF—Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina–Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal
aff002; Animal Science Departament, Federal University of Paraiba, Areia, Paraiba, Brazil
aff003; Department of Nutrition, Center of Education and Health, Federal University of Campina Grande, Cuité, Paraíba, Brazil
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological effects of roasted Cashew nuts consumption on biochemical and murinometric parameters in dyslipidemic rats receiving lipid supplementation. Young male rats were randomly assigned to three experimental groups (n = 10). The Control group (CONT) was treated with water, the Dyslipidemic group (DL) received a high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, and the Dyslipidemic Cashew Nuts group (DLCN) received the same high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, yet was treated with Cashew nuts. Body parameters, biochemical, hepatic and fecal fatty acid profiles were all evaluated. The levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in the DL and DLCN groups as compared to the control group. DLCN and CONT presented no difference in HDL levels. DLCN presented higher glycemia levels than the other groups. There was reduction of body fat in DLCN as compared to other groups, but with higher accumulations of liver fat. DLCN presented a reduction in saturated hepatic fatty acids of 20.8%, and an increase of 177% in relation to CONT; there was also a 21% in increase DL for ω9 fatty acids in comparison to CONT. As for fecal fatty acids, there was a lower concentration of polysaturates in DLCN as compared to the other groups. The data showed that the consumption of Cashew nuts by the dyslipidemic animals treated with a hyperlipidic diet induced greater accumulations of liver fat and worsened glycemic levels, despite having reduced visceral fats and increased fecal fat excretion.
Klíčová slova:
Diet – Emulsions – Fats – Fatty acids – Fatty liver – Lipids – Phenols
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