Kinematic analysis of motor learning in upper limb body-powered bypass prosthesis training

Autoři: Conor Bloomer aff001;  Sophie Wang aff001;  Kimberly Kontson aff001
Působiště autorů: Division of Biomedical Physics, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States of America aff001;  Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 15(1)
Kategorie: Research Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226563


Motor learning and compensatory movement are important aspects of prosthesis training yet relatively little quantitative evidence supports our current understanding of how motor control and compensation develop in the novel body-powered prosthesis user. The goal of this study is to assess these aspects of prosthesis training through functional, kinematic, and kinetic analyses using a within-subject paradigm compared across two training time points. The joints evaluated include the left and right shoulders, torso, and right elbow. Six abled-bodied subjects (age 27 ± 3) using a body-powered bypass prosthesis completed the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test and the targeted Box and Blocks Test after five training sessions and again after ten sessions. Significant differences in movement parameters included reduced times to complete tasks, reduced normalized jerk for most joints and tasks, and more variable changes in efficiency and compensation parameters for individual tasks and joints measured as range of motion, maximum angle, and average moment. Normalized jerk, joint specific path length, range of motion, maximum angle, and average moment are presented for the first time in this unique training context and for this specific device type. These findings quantitatively describe numerous aspects of motor learning and control in able-bodied subjects that may be useful in guiding future rehabilitation and training of body-powered prosthesis users.

Klíčová slova:

Body limbs – Elbow – Kinematics – Learning – Musculoskeletal system – Prosthetics – Shoulders – Skeletal joints


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