Dietary phytogenics and galactomannan oligosaccharides in low fish meal and fish oil-based diets for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles: Effects on gut health and implications on in vivo gut bacterial translocation
Silvia Torrecillas aff001; Genciana Terova aff002; Alex Makol aff003; Antonio Serradell aff001; Victoria Valdenegro aff004; Elisabetha Gini aff002; Marisol Izquierdo aff001; Félix Acosta aff001; Daniel Montero aff001
Působiště autorů:
Grupo de Investigación en Acuicultura (GIA), IU-ECOAQUA, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Crta. Taliarte s/n, Telde, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
aff001; Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Via J.H. Dunant, Varese, Italy
aff002; Delacon Biotechnik GmbH, Weissenwolffstrasse, Steyregg, Austria
aff003; Biomar A/S. BioMar AS, POB 1282 Sluppen, Trondheim, Norway
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
European sea bass were fed four low FM/FO (10%/6%) diets containing galactomannan oligosaccharides (GMOS), a mixture of garlic oil and labiatae plants oils (PHYTO), or a combination of both functional products (GMOSPHYTO) for 63 days before exposing the fish to an intestinal Vibrio anguillarum infection combined with crowding stress. In order to evaluate functional diets efficacy in terms of gut health maintenance, structural, cellular, and immune intestinal status were evaluated by optical and electron microscopy and gene expression analyses. A semi-automated software was adapted to determine variations in goblet cell area and mucosal mucus coverage during the challenge test. Feeding with functional diets did not affect growth performance; however, PHYTO and GMOS dietary inclusion reduced European sea bass susceptibility to V. anguillarum after 7 days of challenge testing. Rectum (post-ileorectal valve) showed longer (p = 0.001) folds than posterior gut (pre-ileorectal valve), whereas posterior gut had thicker submucosa (p = 0.001) and higher mucus coverage as a result of an increased cell density than rectum. Functional diets did not affect mucosal fold length or the grade of granulocytes and lymphocytes infiltration in either intestinal segment. However, the posterior gut fold area covered by goblet cells was smaller in fish fed GMOS (F = 14.53; p = 0.001) and PHYTO (F = 5.52; p = 0.019) than for the other diets. PHYTO (F = 3.95; p = 0.049) reduced posterior gut goblet cell size and increased rodlet cell density (F = 3.604; p = 0.068). Dietary GMOS reduced submucosal thickness (F = 51.31; p = 0.001) and increased rodlet cell density (F = 3.604; p = 0.068) in rectum. Structural TEM analyses revealed a normal intestinal morphological pattern, but the use of GMOS increased rectum microvilli length, whereas the use of PHYTO increased (p≤0.10) Ocln, N-Cad and Cad-17 posterior gut gene expression. After bacterial intestinal inoculation, posterior gut of fish fed PHYTO responded in a more controlled and belated way in terms of goblet cell size and mucus coverage in comparison to other treatments. For rectum, the pattern of response was similar for all dietary treatments, however fish fed GMOS maintained goblet cell size along the challenge test.
Klíčová slova:
Biology and life sciences – Nutrition – Diet – Anatomy – Digestive system – Gastrointestinal tract – Rectum – Body fluids – Mucus – Bioengineering – Biotechnology – Genetic engineering – Genetically modified organisms – Physiology – Cell biology – Cellular types – Animal cells – Blood cells – White blood cells – Lymphocytes – Granulocytes – Immune cells – Medicine and health sciences – Immunology – Engineering and technology – People and places – Geographical locations – Europe
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