The current approach to the treatment of the patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Authors: J. Halámková 1,2;  J. Tomášek 1;  S. Rybníčková 3;  D. Adámková Krákorová 1;  B. Bencsiková 1;  I. Kiss 1
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika komplexní onkologické péče Lékařské fakulty MU a MOÚ Brno, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Rostislav Vyzula, CSc. 1;  Ústav lékařské etiky Lékařské fakulty MU Brno, přednosta doc. Mgr. Josef Kuře, Dr. phil. 2;  Oddělení radiologie Masarykova onkologického ústavu Brno, přednostka prim. MU Dr. Helena Bartoňková 3
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2013; 59(10): 903-908
Category: Review


Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. Despite the constant promotion of prevention remains around 20– 30% of cases dia­gnosed in the metastatic stage and approximately 50– 60% of patients developed the late dissemination. In 80– 90% of them we can find already unresectable metastases. Although surgical treatment is basic modality of therapy, with using mo­dern targeted therapy in combination with chemotherapy we can achieve long‑term complete remission in the cases of advanced tumor and we can significantly prolonged the life of patients with this disease now. About 40– 50% patients in advanced stages who underwent metastasectomy survives 5-years and 10‑year survival rate is up to 25%. When administered systemic treatment median overall survival in these cases reaches around 24 months.

Key words:
colorectal cancer –  liver metastases –  conversion therapy –  targeted treatment


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