Differences in the Incidence of Viral Hepatitis A and E in the Czech Republic

Authors: Trmal Josef 1;  Beneš Čestmír 2;  Trnková Michaela 3
Authors‘ workplace: KHS Ústeckého kraje 1;  Státní zdravotní ústav Praha 2;  Očkovací centrum Avenier, a. s., Brno 3
Published in: Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 62, 2013, č. 1, s. 19-25


Although both viral hepatitis A (VHA) and E (VHE) are typically acquired by fecal-oral transmission, they differ in the incidence, particularly in the age-specific incidence, with VHA being reported most often in pre-school age and school age children but also in young adults while VHE often occurs in adults. VHA is common in persons from socially weak communities. Higher incidence has been reported in autumn months as a result of infection acquired during the holidays. VHE is typically acquired in cold months of the year and VHE cases are often associated with home slaughtering. To prevent both types of hepatitis it is necessary to drink safe water and to adhere to rules of personal and operational safety while preparing food. The prevention of VHA consists in active immunization, while that of VHE requires primarily that pork meat and offal should be heat processed and cross contamination between raw materials and final products should be avoided. For both types of hepatitis, epidemiological history and adequate diagnosis are prerequisites for the adoption of effective antiepidemic measures.

viral hepatitis A – viral hepatitis E – incidence characteristics, prevention


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Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiology
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