Etiology of Non-cariogenic Cervical Lesions (EpidemiologicalSurvey)

Authors: M. Starosta
Authors‘ workplace: I. stomatologická klinika LF UP, Olomouc, vedoucí kliniky doc. MUDr. J. Stejskalová, CSc.
Published in: Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník , 1999, 2, s. 45-56


The author discusses the epidemiology, etiology and prevention of non-cariogeniccervical lesions. From a retrospective epidemiological survey in which participated 50 subjects,mean age 44 years, ensues that important etiological factors include: excessive intake ofexogenous acids poor technique of tooth brushing and overburdening of teeth as a result ofparafunctions or inadequate state of static and/or dynamic occlusion. The incidence of lesionsincreases with the patient's age and is maximal during the fourth and fifth decade. Mostfrequently the first premolars are affected and combined lesions predominate. Based on theepidemiological survey the author recommended principles of primary and secondary preven-tion.In clinical practice it is suitable to use a classification of lesions according to their appearance:dish-shaped, grooved, combined lesion and wedge-shaped defect. The classification is easy forthe attending physician, is instructive and points indirectly to etiological factors participatingin their genesis.

Key words:
non-cariogenic lesions of the dental cervix – abrasion – erosion – wedge-shapeddefects

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