Authors: E. Geryk;  D. Pacík;  T. Horváth;  M. Konečný
Authors‘ workplace: Geografický ústav Přírodovědecká fakulta MU ;  Urologická klinika, FN Brno
Published in: Urol List 2011; 9(2): 38-43


Of total 273,518 new kidney cancers, based in Globocan 2008 (IARC) is estimated 181,435 in more deve­loped and 92,083 in less developed regions, 73,171 in EU, 36,914 in Central and Eastern Europe, 3,047 in the Czech Republic. Of total 382,660 new bladder cancers is estimated 227,526 in more developed and 155,134 in less developed regions, 107,419 in EU, 36,776 in Central and Eastern Europe, 2,627 in the Czech Republic. Their expected numbers can reach in 2030 more than 1.162 milion cases of both dia­gnoses in the world, of which 568 thousands cases in more developed and 469 thousands cases in less developed regions, 246 thousands cases in EU, 87 thousands cases in Central and Eastern Europe, nearly 8 thousands cases in the Czech Republic. The same estimation numbers are commented on cancer deaths of the urinary tract. With the exception of less developed regions in 2008 a new diseases and deaths reached nearly half of kidney cancer and two-thirds of bladder cancer in the age of 65 years and more. In 2030 this older population can reach in EU 66% of new cases and 79% of deaths of kidney cancer, 78% of new cases and 88% of deaths of bladder cancer, in Central and Eastern Europe 50% of new cases and 73% of deaths of kidney cancer, 68% of new cases and 80% of deaths of bladder cancer, in the Czech Republic 63% of new cases and 78% of deaths of kidney cancer, 73% of new cases and 87% of deaths of bladder cancer. Czech males reached the first order and females the second order by the cumulative risk of kidney cancer in the world, by the value of bladder cancer sixth order and fourth order respectively; this corresponded also with the high relative value of crude rate and standardized incidence, higher among males against females. The numbers of urinary cancers based in Globocan were lower than in recent survey of Czech Cancer Registry in 2008. The alarming global numbers of 1.162 mil. of new urinary cancers and 486 thousands deaths from them in 2030 should supported personal responsibility among the most of inhabitants and improved the life-style, which would be failed the expected statistics.

Key words:
kidney and bladder cancer, number of new cases and death, sage distribution, expected numbers in selected regions of the world


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