Healthy ageing and old age in view of the followed quality of preventive care implementation

Authors: H. Dolanský
Authors‘ workplace: Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna, Ostrava
Published in: Listy rev. Lék., 14, 2010, č. 2, s. 23-33


Unsatisfactory results based on conclusions of a sociological research – a questionnaire survey performed in the years 2007–2010 with 2010 randomly selected respondents – policy holders (insured individuals ) of higher age (registered in health insurance companies of the Moravia-Silesia Region) indicated the need of increasing quality of preventive examinations and oncological prevention ion primary care. The problem concerns the whole society and it is associated with organization of the strategy in prevention of deaths from civilization diseases as well as with medical ethics, the physician’s ethical approach to the extent of spectrum and quality level of the provided care. The conclusions and recommendations emphasize the importance of supervision of the problem by the revision physician as well as the important role of a mutual cooperation among the providers, payers of the care and the policy holders in particular. The constantly increasing quality of the society awareness can contribute to increased quality of the provided health care and quality of life.

Key words:
secondary prevention – preventive follow-up – oncological prevention – primary care – higher age – quality of life


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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