Dispensary treatment in patients with malignant ovarian tumours

Published in: Prakt Gyn 2006; 10(4): 150-151


Dispensary treatment of patients with malignant ovarian tumours has to be provided by medical institutes which have provided the patient with complete treatment. Life long observation of the patients enables to evaluate the response to the treatment, to diagnose complication of the major treatment if any occur, to detect recurrence or persistance of the carcinoma, screening of other possible occurence of duplicate tumours, monitoring of patient’s psychological condition and collection of therapeutical data for oncology registers. Frequency of check-ups can be chosen individually; however, it is convenient to abide by general rules. It is indispensable for the examination to contain complete gynaecology check-up, basic laboratory tests, evaluation of the respective oncology markers and examination with screening methods according to the recommended algorithms.

Key words:
ovarian carcinoma – dispensary treatment


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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicine
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