Endovascular Embolotherapy for Epistaxis

Authors: Z. Ferrová;  J. Veselý;  J. Bohutová *;  I. Šejna;  D. Oktábcová *
Authors‘ workplace: ORL oddělení, FNsP, Praha - Bulovka, prim. MUDr. J. Veselý RDG klinika FNsP, Praha - Bulovka, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Bohutová, DrSc. *
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, , 1998, No. 4, pp. 199-201.


In majority of cases epistaxis is curable with common modalities of treatment. The problem is hard intractable epistaxis, where these metods are failing. The authors refer to possibilities of endovascular embolization in area of arteria carotis externa in emergent intractable epistaxis. They emphasize the importance of supraselektive angiography followed by the embolization in treatment of cases resistent to conservative therapy. They demonstrate in their report this method, equipment, results of co-operation of the ENT department with the angiography department of radiodiagnostic clinic hospital Bulovka.

Key words:
epistaxis, angiography, endovascular embolization.

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