The current view of carbon monoxide poisoning in the Czech Republic

Authors: T. Heřman
Authors‘ workplace: Vedoucí: prof. MUDr. Leoš Navrátil, CSc., MBA ;  Katedra zdravotnických oborů a ochrany obyvatelstva ;  Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVUT v Praze ;  Primář: MUDr. Ivo Podpěra ;  Interní oddělení ;  Oblastní nemocnice Kladno a. s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2018; 98(1): 26-30
Category: Of different specialties


Carbon monoxide poisoning is the number one in accidental poisoning in Europe and North America. The symptoms are often misdiagnosed and can escape professional as well as non-professional attention. The key prerequisite of early diagnosis is to include carbon monoxide poisoning in our differential diagnosis consideration. The first contact with a patient is often in the hands of the medical rescue service, whose diagnostic opportunities in prehospital emergency care are limited due to the lack of diagnostic methods. These obstacles delay the therapy, which is based on various modalities of oxygen therapy. For more severe cases, we use hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which is operated by the hyperbaric oxygen therapy centres. There are several hyperbaric oxygen therapy centres in the Czech Republic, some of which might not be available 24 hours a day and provide the care for critically ill patients. The article summarizes the mentioned aspects of this issue.

carbon monoxide – hyperbaric oxygen chamber – carboxyhaemoglobin


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