The beginnings of health libraries of the Czech Brothers Hospitallers in the 18th century

Authors: Jindřich Kolda
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2018; 67, 216-220
Category: History of Pharmacy


During some 150 years in the 17th and 18th centuries the network of convents with hospitals and pharmacies run by the Brothers Hospitallers was established in the Czech Lands. At that time the members of the Order made use of quite a large amount of early modern European health literature. Although the need of those books was closely connected with the main mission of the Order, their position in convents was marginal at the beginning and depended on the personality of individual friars. For a long time, the Czech Brothers Hospitallers were forced to use second-hand literature (even from the 16th century) which was not replaced by new volumes until the moment when the convents overcame the "birth pangs" of the founding years (end of the 18th century). The study deals with the facts that are mentioned above on the basis of the hitherto ignored archive sources coming from Prague, Kuks, Nové Město nad Metují, Prostějov, and Vizovice.

Key words: brothers hospitallers • pharmaceutical literature • medical literature • 17th century • 18th century • history of libraries • pharmaceutical history


brothers hospitallers – pharmaceutical literature – medical literature – 17th century – 18th century – history of libraries – pharmaceutical history


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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