Practical aspects and news in pharmacological treatment of arrhythmias

Authors: P. Heinc
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2005, 7(1): 10-16


In the field of arrhythmias it is possible to follow a continuous development of pharmacological treatment and above all non-pharmacological treatment. The review of treatment of bradycardias with essential indications for electrophysiological examination and radiofrequency ablation is given separately. Electrophysiological and clinical aspects of new antiarrhythmics are set forth. A practical review of diagnostics, general fundamentals of pharmacotherapy of arrhythmias and practical approaches of pharmacological treatment of supraventricular tachycardias and ventricular tachycardias is also given in this article.

bradyarrhythmia – tachyarrhythmia – diagnostics – electrophysiology – radiofrequency ablation – pharmacotherapy



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