Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - About the journal

The Anesteziologie & intenzivní medicína magazine is a specialised journal of the Czech Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and the Czech Society of Intensive Care Medicine. It is issued by the Czech Medical Association of J.E.Purkyně. It is cross-indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta medica and in the List of Peer Reviewed Journals of the Research and Development Council of the Czech Republic and excerpted in Bibliographia medica čechoslovacaScopus and included in the database Search Academic available through Complete EBSCOHOST research platform.

The magazine is published since 1990. In 2002 was published as Anesteziolgie and emergency care and under its current name Anesteziologie & intenzivní medicína published since 2003.

It is published 6 times a year and a yearly subscription costs CZK 624 (EUR 41.40), a single issue costs CZK 104 (EUR 6.90). Contributions in Czech, Slovak and English are accepted for publication as original works, case studies, and survey articles of anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine, algesiology, urgent care medicine, and resuscitation. The journal publishes new information in related branches and the history of medicine. The consent of the Ethical Committee is required before launching intervention studies. The journal elaborates current recommendations and guidelines of specialised societies (CSARIM, CSIM) and other information focused on education, information from conventions and specialised conferences.

The works are reviewed before being published. The review procedure is done electronically, blinded to the authors. The ultimate decision on publication is up to the Chief Editor. The editors reserve the right to revise the texts in terms of the language used. Sent contributions are not returned. Guidelines for authors are published in the journal and also on http://www.prolekare.cz/anesteziologie-intenzivni-medicina-pokyny.

An electronic edition of the journal does not go through editorial revision and proofreading. Contributions are accepted in electronic form on karel.cvachovec@fnmotol.cz, or by mail to:

Prof. MUDr. Karel Cvachovec, CSc., MBA
KARIM 2. LF UK ve FN Motol
V Úvalu 84
150 06 Praha

ISSN: 1214-2158
e-ISSN: 1805-4412

Editorial Board



Milan Adamus 

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

prof. MUDr. Vladimír Černý, Ph.D., FCCM
doc. MUDr. Jiří Málek, CSc.


Martin Balík, Praha

Jan Beneš, Plzeň

Karel Cvachovec, Praha

Jarmila Drábková, Praha

Jozef Firment, Košice, Slovensko

Ivan Herold, Mladá Boleslav

Ivan Chytra, Plzeň

Antonín Jabor, Praha

Martin Matějovič, Plzeň

Daniel Nalos, Ústí nad Labem

Antonín Pařízek, Praha

George Silvay, New York, USA

Bronislav Stibor, Baden, Rakousko

Pavel Ševčík, Ostrava

Karel Škarvan, Basilej, Švýcarsko

Štefan Trenkler, Košice, Slovensko

Roman Záhorec, Bratislava, Slovensko


Published 6 times a year.

  • Price for a year: € 44,40 (660,– CZK)
  • Price for a single issue: € 7,40 (110,– CZK)

Subscription orders for the Czech and Slovak Republic should be sent to

The Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně
Sokolská 31
120 26 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Barbora Šmejkalová
Phone: +420 296 181 805
            +420 778 775 059
E-mail: nto@cls.cz

Subscription for the Slovak Republics

Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a.s.,
oddelenie inej formy predaja, P.O.BOX 183, 
Vajnorská 137
831 04 Bratislava Slovakia
Phone: +421 244 458 821
Fax.: +421 244 458 819
E-mail: predplatne@abompkapa.sk

For authors and reviewers

The editors accept original works and case studies from the area of anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine, algesiology and urgent care, well-arranged articles of the branch theme, branch history, reports regarding the activities of CSARIM and CSIM, information on congresses being prepared and having taken place, symposiums, anniversaries of leading personalities from the branch, and reviews of new branch publications for the consideration of publication.

Specialist works involve original scientific announcements, which means original works and case studies. Well-arranged articles and articles of a postgraduate educational nature are accepted upon an invitation by the editors or after prior consultation with the members of the editorial board. It is necessary to respect the particularities of each form. Typescripts that have been sent to the editors are not returned. The editors reserve the right to reject the work having been sent if its form or content does not correspond with the publication intention, and to revise the work in terms of language unless the author has already done such necessary revision during proofreading.

The typescript is processed in terms of language and edited in the Publishing and Press Centre of the CLS JEP.

  • Typescripts are accepted in the Czech, Slovak and English language (British English is preferred).

  • Articles that are written in Czech shall be submitted with two abstracts (Czech and English), each up to 250 words, with keywords inserted at the end of each abstract. Articles that are written in English shall have the abstract in English.

  • The heading of the work includes the title, names and surnames of the authors and of their workplaces and the address of the first author's workplace, or the address of the senior author's workplace (usually the last one).

  • The typescript shall be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1, free margins of the text: 25 mm on top, 25 mm on the left, A4 format.

  • The text shall be written using ordinary script without changes of size and without graphic adjustments.

  • Works to be sent in the electronic form must be in WORD (W7/WIN98) or its updated version.

  • The typesetting must be smooth, without tabulator stops, bullets, hard enters at the end of lines, without underlining, changes of type size, formatting, and without automatic numbering of paragraphs.

  • While numbering literature, it is necessary to write numbers and to cancel default settings.

  • When sending the first electronic contribution for review to karel.cvachovec@fnmotol.cz, it is also necessary to send a printed version together with the electronic version on CD-ROM to the following address: Prof. MUDr. Karel Cvachovec, CSc., MBA 
    KARIM 2. LF UK ve FN Motol
    V úvalu 84, 150 06 Praha

Review Procedure

The review procedure is done electronically and it is blinded to the authors. Authors are usually informed of the review procedure result electronically by sending two review comments from external reviewers. Authors are asked to incorporate the reviewers' recommendations in the adjusted text and to send a covering letter explaining any unclear issues and questions to the reviewers. The ultimate decision on publication at the end of each review procedure is up to the Chief Editor. Authors are informed of the review procedure result within 3 months.

Consent of Ethical Committee and Informed Consent

  • The consent of the Ethical Committee shall always be obtained before launching any intervention or non-intervention study. Observation studies, audit results, epidemiological observation, etc., may be excluded from this rule, nevertheless, the indicators being monitored shall unequivocally be a routine part of the medical documentation of the monitored population. Nevertheless, in these cases the editorial board also recommends getting the consent of the Ethical Committee before launching the study.

  • Informed consent for participating in a study with prospective diagnostic or therapeutic intervention should be obtained from all persons (or from their legitimate guardians) who are the subject of a clinical study. In case the study authors decide against the required informed consent, such decision shall be thoroughly and convincingly justified in the text of the work in the Set of Patients and Methods section.

  • In the case of case studies it is recommended to obtain the patient's written consent with publication, particularly in those cases in which the nature of the case or the form of the documentation (e.g. photographs) bear a risk of possible identification of the patient. In case it is impossible to get written consent, the reasons for not getting it (death, impossibility of contact, etc.) shall be specified in writing in addition to the text of the work itself.

  • The existence of Ethical Committee consent does not exclude the work being rejected by the Editorial Board for ethical reasons during a review procedure.

  • Should you have any questions or doubts regarding the ethical aspects of a planned study, it is possible to ask the Editorial Board for their opinion.

Format of Contributions

Original Works

Authors submit their reports on information resulting from an experimental or clinical study. The work is introduced with a structured abstract, its English translation and keywords.
It shall be divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction - familiarisation with the issue and reasons that led the author to be interested in the issue. Work of a research nature shall include a hypothesis that must be proven or disproved by the work.

  • Set of Patients and Method - relays information on the set of patients, or on the experimental material being evaluated, hypothesis, the statistical method used, and the evaluation method. In case of intervention studies it is necessary to add a statement on the consent of the Ethical Committee and from patients participating in the study, or to specify reasons for which the consent was not requested.

  • Results - basic information, data and facts discovered with the study, i.e. answers to questions included in the previous part.

  • Discussion - an analysis of the achieved results, the author's own comment and comparison with works by other authors who dealt with the same issue.

  • Conclusion - a summary of the significance of the study and evaluation if the study aims were achieved.

  • Literature - 10 to 20 quotations are recommended.

  • Acknowledgement - it is expressed only to those persons who significantly contributed to elaborating the study. The authors shall have the written consent of all persons mentioned in the acknowledgement.

  • The extent of the work is recommended to be 10-20 pages.

  • Name, address, email address, and telephone connection to the first author.

Structured Abstract

It is required that the abstract is included with original works and comprises an accurate English translation. The review of the translation will be provided by the editors. The abstract shall contain up to 250 words (excluding the work title and keywords). It shall not contain abbreviations and references to pictures or charts. The structured Abstract consists of the following:

  • Study Objective: it characterises the issue that is dealt with within the work, and the purpose of the work, the hypothesis, etc.

  • Study Design: e.g. observation, prospective, randomised, double-blinded, etc.

  • Type of Setting: e.g. Intensive Care Unit of a faculty hospital (do not specify the address and name).

  • Material and Methods: characteristics of the monitored set, indication and exclusion criteria, the statistic methods used.

  • Results: achieved results including numerical values and statistic relevance.

  • Conclusion: conclusions made by the author based on the submitted work, summary of the main points.

  • Keywords: up to 10, according to the Index Medicus.

Case Study

It is a specialist statement introduced with a short abstract of up to 15 lines and its accurate English translation and keywords. It consists of the introduction, description of the case itself (of the cases themselves), discussion and the literature references. The recommended extent is 6-8 pages of typescript and 10 quotations at most.

Collected Report and Works of In-Service Nature

Works of this type are usually elaborated by an experienced specialist in the given issue upon the direct assignment of the journal editors or after consultation with the members of the Editorial Board. They contain a survey of current knowledge including controversial opinions. They are introduced with a short abstract in the Czech language with its English translation and keywords. The collected reports should have 10-20 pages of typescript and 30 quotations at most.

Literature References

  • Literature is listed according to the order of numerical reference in the text.

  • Authors who are quoted in the text must be specified in the literature references.

  • At least one third of the quotations should be no older than 5 years.

  • Quotes shall be made in accordance with ČSN ISO 690, 010197.

Quotation examples:

• monographs

  • Kőnigová, R. Komplexní léčba popálenin. 1st edition Prague: Grada Publishing, 1999, 253 p. ISBN 80-95824-46-9.

  • Novák, A., Novák, B.C., Nováková, D.E. et al. Dezinfekce a sterilizace v endoskopii. 1st edition Prague: Avicenum, 1988, 152 p. ISBN 20-25254-46-9.

• a contribution in a monographic publication

  • Šturma, J. Anestezie rozsáhle popálených. In Kőnigová, R. Komplexní léčba popálenin. Prague: Grada Publishing, 1999, pp 217-223.

• an article in serial publications

  • Šimánková, E. et al.: Sevofluran v anestezii popálených dětí. Anest. neodkl. Péče, 1999, year 10, pages 54-59.

In cases using magazine abbreviations it is important to follow ČSN 01 01 96 on Abbreviating Titles of Magazines and other Journals.

• information on location of electronic documents

a reference to an electronic monograph

  • Olson, Nancy (ed.) Cataloging Internet resource: A Manual and Practical Guide [online]. 2nd ed. Dublin : OCLC, c1997 [quot.2003-04-09]. Available from WWW: . ISBN 1-556553-236-9.

quoting an online document (an unknown author)

  • Dlouhodobý záměr Univerzity Karlovy v Praze [online]. 1999-09-09 [quot. 2001-11-201]. Available on WWW: http//certik.ruk.cuni.cz/asuk/dlouhodoby/zamer.html>

• electronic serial publications

a reference to a journal in electronic form

  • JEP: The Journal of Electronic Publishing [online]. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan Press. 1995-[quot. 2003-04-02]. 12 times a year. Also available from WWW: http.//www.pres.umich.edu/jep/index.html. ISSN 1080-2711.

a reference to a web version of a printed journal

  • Forum: a journal of Univerzita Karlova. Prague: Univerzita Karlova, 1995-. Once every two weeks. Also available on WWW: http://enlil.ff.cuni.cz/.

The printed version of a document shall always be mentioned before any current Internet availability if it is available in both print and on the Internet.

Methodical Recommendations

The journal also publishes recommendations of specialist societies such as Methodical Sheets and instructions from CSARIM and CSIM, and further recommendations from other specialist companies.

Other Sections

Letters to the editors (introduced using a reference to the article to which the article relates and with the salutation "Dear editors"; reports from the life of a specialist society, information of committees of CSARIM and CSIM, the Department of anaesthesiology and resuscitation of IPVZ, and other specialist bodies).

Picture Documentation

  • Pictures shall be original and their number shall correspond with the extent of the work.

  • Publication of pictures that are not original is only possible after they are redrawn and inserted with a note: freely according to .... (the name of the original author).

  • NTS accepts electronic picture documentation (i.e. charts, pen-and-inks, photographs even coloured, machine outputs) for direct printing press processing in the tiff, eps and jpg formats, while further possible media besides the electronic version also include CD-ROM and DVd-ROM. The picture documentation must include appropriate captions in the text.

  • Charts must be elaborated in a way suitable for single-colour print.

  • In case the pictures are in the jpg format, the following parameters are necessary for good quality reproduction: the ideal size of the picture/chart is 8 cm wide with a definition of 300 dpi. Coloured pictures are only justifiable in cases when a black-and-white picture is not informative enough.Attention: Pictures incorporated in a WORD document or delivered separately as a WORD file are not of good quality (definition is too small) and it is better to not use this format for pictures.

  • Titles of picture files shall be marked with the name of the author and the picture number (e.g. Novak 1). Titles are allowed to have eight letters at most.

  • It is important to write the title of the article and the name of the author on the medium for which journal the pictures are intended.

  • Scanning colour pictures requires very good definition.

  • It is also possible to arrange direct contact between authors and the printing press in complicated cases.

At the end of the work or on a separate page it is necessary to specify the following:

  • Whether or not the work has already been published in a different magazine. If so, it is necessary to add the consent for publication by the original publisher and authors. It is necessary to mention work has been presented as a lecture in the form of a reference (e.g. a footnote).

  • We recommend that you mention the exclusion of conflict of interests.

  • In the right half of the last page of the work it is necessary to specify the private address of the author(s), email connection, telephone or fax numbers in order to make the review procedure easier.
    All delivered works are reviewed and lectured.

After the work has been received, an authorship contract elaborated by the CLS is sent to the author(s). In this contract it is necessary to specify personal data (address, birth certificate number, bank account number) and consent for distributing the work using electronic media.


The proofreading is conducted with highlighted corrections and will be sent to the authors email address in the pdf format. The proofreading should be sent back after following the editor's instructions. In case a proofreading is not sent back on time, the editors reserve the right to do the proofreading themselves.


Contact - publishing and printing department /NTS/ CzMA

Sokolská 31 
120 26 Praha 2 
Barbora Šmejkalová
phone: +420 296 181 805
            +420 778 775 059
e-mail: nto@cls.cz

Marcela Havlíková 
phone: +420 224 266 223 
e-mail: havlikova@cls.cz

For CzMA provide

Mladá fronta a.s., Mezi Vodami 1952/9, Praha 4

MUDr. Michaela Lízlerová - Coordinator of journals
phone: +420 225 276 378 
mobile: +420 724 104 297
e-mail: lizlerova@mf.cz

Bc. Michaela Hrdinová - production
phone: +420 225 276 259 
e-mail: hrdinova@mf.cz

Bc. Alena Kohoutová - marketing 
phone: +420 725 118 877 
e-mail: kohoutova@mf.cz

František Bauer - advertising
phone: +420 225 276 393 
e-mail: bauer@mf.cz

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