The effect of myofascial therapy of the suboccipital muscles on postural stability – a pilot study

Authors: Gajdoš M. 1,2;  Nechvátal P. 1;  Kendrová L. 1;  Čuj J. 1,2;  Kozel M. 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra fyzioterapie, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Slovenská republika 1;  Klinika rehabilitácie a podológie, Fyziopoint v Prešove, Slovenská republika 2
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 29, 2022, No. 4, pp. 208-214.
Category: Original Papers
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccrhfl2022208


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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