Paratyphoid A and campylobacteriosis as an occupational disease

Authors: I. Cetlová;  A. Šplíchalová
Authors‘ workplace: Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ostravě, pracoviště Vsetín, vedoucí oddělení pracovního lékařství MUDr. Anna Šplíchalová, Ph. D.
Published in: Pracov. Lék., 73, 2021, No. 1-2, s. 14-20.
Category: Case Report


The article deals with a case report of a mixed imported bacterial infection caused by Salmonella Paratyphi A and Campylobacter jejuni, which was recognized as an occupational disease in a young man after returning from a business trip in Malaysia. The aim of the communication is to introduce the causative agent of diseases with the presentation of the clinical picture, options of diagnostics and treatment of these diseases. Special emphasis is placed on prevention options, which include examining the health status of workers before a trip and after returning from a business trip abroad, including vaccinations and counseling on compliance with hygiene and anti-epidemic measures during the trip and throughout the stay.


clinical picture – therapy – diagnostics – origin and cause of the disease – method of transmission – assessment point of view


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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicine
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