Impact of galectin 3 as myofibrosis marker in clinical cardiology

Authors: Filip Málek
Authors‘ workplace: Kardiovaskulární centrum Nemocnice Na Homolce Praha, přednosta prim. MUDr. Ivo Skalský, MBA
Published in: Vnitř Lék 2014; 60(4): 327-330
Category: 60th Birthday - prof. MUDr. Petr Widimský, DrSc., FESC, FACC


Galectin 3 is a protein secreted by activated macrophages and has a role in development of fibrosis in injured tissues. Experimental studies showed increased galectin 3 secretion in the context of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure models. Several clinical studies identified galectin 3 to be a biomarker of cardiovascular diseases in the field of diagnosis, risk stratification, monitoring therapy response and predicting short-term and long-term prognosis. Particularly, the additional prognostic information of galectin 3 as assessed together with NT-proBNP was established in acute and chronic heart failure.

Key words:
galectin 3 – heart failure – myofibrosis – outcome prediction


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Internal Medicine

Issue 4

2014 Issue 4

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