Patients‘ attitude to the prevention from the view of general practitioners

Authors: F. Dolák;  A. Hudáčková;  I. Chloubová;  J. Tamáš Otásková
Authors‘ workplace: Ředitelka: doc. PhDr. Sylva Bártlová, Ph. D. ;  Zdravotně sociální fakulta ;  Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče ;  Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(1): 31-35
Category: Of different specialties


The aim of the survey was to map view of selected general practitioners on primary prevention.

To achieve this objective, qualitative technology research through semi-structured interview was used. This interview was based on a standardized questionnaire The HLS-EU-Q47 of the EU HLS Consortium for the European Health Literacy Survey (HLS--EU), which is designed for mapping health literacy. The interview included 26 questions arranged into five regions and has been designed to find out the opinion of general practitioners on public access to primary prevention.

Physicians in most agree that preventative care system is set up well and efficiently. In two cases, doctors evaluate preventive health care system in the Czech Republic as unsatisfactory or insufficient. Prevention is, in the opinion of respondents, in certain diseases tackled better (i.e. diabetes, gynaecological diseases), other preventive measures are still little discussed and in the public less used (e.g. self-examination of the testicles in males). Interviewees in the field of awareness indicate that patients are in many cases overwhelmed by information. The most frequent topics of prevention discussed in GP surgeries are weight reduction, prevention of hypertension, smoking cessation. Doctors encourage their patients by emphasizing the importance of prevention for maintaining physical health because the disease has an impact on social and economic stability. Interviewees agreed that better cooperation is with an active client. They also confirmed that more patients do not comply with preventive examinations, but doctors believe their patients know the importance of prevention.

The system of preventive care in the Czech Republic is currently set up well and efficiently. But always it will depend on the attitude of both doctors and patients themselves mainly to preventive examinations and prevention of disease in general. The physician can be positively motivated by an increase in capitation payments in reimbursement ordinance, patients should be motivated by proper information, providing comprehensive communication and active challenge on preventive examinations.

general practitioner – prevention – obesity – attitude to prevention


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults
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