Unattended fatal haemorrhage associated with spontaneous rupture of peripheral varicosity

Authors: P. Hejna 1;  M. Ublová 1;  Straka L´. 2;  L. Zátopková 1
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav soudního lékařství FN a LF UK, Šimkova 870, 500 38 Hradec Králové 1;  Ústav súdneho lekárstva a medicínskych expertíz JLF UK a UNM, Kollárova 10, 036 01 Martin, Slovenská republika 2
Published in: Soud Lék., 57, 2012, No. 2, p. 18-20
Category: Original Article


Crural ulcers are found in 3–5 % of the population, venous ulcers appear in 0,15–2 % of the population. Acute hemorrhage from venous ulcer is a rare complication which can lead to unattended and rapid external blood loss. Herein we present a case of 65-year-old man who was found in the kitchen of his flat in a large pool of blood with blood-tinged simple bandage applied on the right leg. At autopsy was revealed rupture of varicose vein at the base of large venous ulcer leading to fatal haemorrhage.

chronic venous insufficiency – ulcus cruris – varicose veins – fatal hemorrhage – unexpected death


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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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