Presentation of eponymous terms in forensic medicine

Authors: P. Nečas 1;  P. Hejna 2
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav jazyků LF UK, Hradec Králové 1;  Ústav soudního lékařství LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové 2
Published in: Soud Lék., 57, 2012, No. 2, p. 25-30
Category: Original Article


The phenomenon of eponymous terms used in forensic medicine is described in the paper. Their linguistic basis, advantages and disadvantages for specialists or wider circles is discussed. Their spread in various language discourses is mentioned. A list of the most important eponymous terms in forensic medicine is the paper’s focus.

forensic medicine – terminology – eponym


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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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