May the Images of Slim Female Figures Contribute to the Development of Eating Disorders?

Authors: M. Novák
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrická léčebna Horní Beřkovice ředitel MUDr. J. Tomeček
Published in: Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 103, 2007, No. 8, pp. 393-401.
Category: Original Article


Do idealized images of thinness in media contribute to development of eating disorders? In the presented study, the connection between symptoms of eating disorders and interpersonal attraction to idealized images of thinness are evaluated, based on a sample of 525 women from the internet community. Additional factors such as age and BMI are also taken into account. Women aged between 15 years and 20 in comparison with women aged over 20 express significantly higher attraction to images of thinness. The ideal of thinness is also preferred by women, who are low in BMI; the lower the BMI the woman has, the stronger is her attraction to the ideal of thinness. Although the ideal of thinness is attractive for both women aged between 15 years and 20 and for women, who are low in BMI, the connection between development of eating disorders symptoms has been revealed only in women aged between 15 years and 20.

Key words:
eating disorders, sociocultural determinants, media, thinness.vod.

Addictology Paediatric psychiatry Psychiatry
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