Study of local anaesthetics: Part 206*
Micellization of selected of quaternary ammonium salt derived from heptacaine

Authors: Jana Gališinová;  Jozef Čižmárik;  Eva Salanci;  Andrea Gálusová;  Lenka Stopková;  Fils Andriamainty
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2015; 64, 144-148
Category: Original Articles


Micellization of selected quaternary ammonium compounds derived from heptacaine have been studied by absorption spectroscopy in the UV/VIS spectral region with the use of a pyrene probe. The compounds studied in the aqueous solution have been marked as H22, H26, H27, H29, H34, H + Al and H + B and the derivative marked as H34 was studied in a 3 mol/l ethanol solution at the temperature of 25 °C. In the homologous series of the studied bromides H22, H26, H27 and H29, cmc was observed to be dependent on the number of carbon atoms nc in the hydrophobic chain: ln (cmc) = –3.131–0.421nC. The Free Gibbs energy necessary for the transfer of a methyl group of the alkyl chain from the water phase to the inner part of the micelle at the temperature of 25 °C is (–0.421 ± 0.034)RT.

Key words:
heptacaine • quaternary ammonium compounds • critical micelle concentration • pyrene • Boltzmann-sigmoidal equation • alcohol


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