Improvement of Amperometric Detection (AD) by Determination of Drugs by FlowInjection Methods - Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) and Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA)

Authors: P. Papugová;  M. Poláček
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra analytické chemie Farmaceutické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Hradec Králové
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2001; , 107-112


The present review dealing with the use of various electrochemical detection systems in flowmethods of analysis of drugs (such as FIA and SIA techniques). The review covers the period of 1988to 1998 and involves 78 references. The drugs determined are arranged according to the functionalgroups undergoing electrochemical transformation; for all the analytes data on the detectionconditions, detection limits and ranges of quantitation are included. Advantages and drawbacks ofamperometric detection of drugs in flow systems are discussed.

Key words:
flow methods - analysis of drug Πamperometric detection

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