ECG monitoring with Holter monitor

Authors: L. Elbl
Authors‘ workplace: Privátní kardiologická ambulance Brno, Interní hematoonkologická klinika, LF MU Brno
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2009, 11(3): 148-150


Ambulatory ECG monitoring is the essential examination method in patients with arrhythmias. Diagnostic uses of the dynamic ECG monitoring are expanding thanks to the new methods of scanning, recording and analysis as well as the availability of new algorithms, brought about by the recent significant technical developments. We move from the basic diagnostics of arrhythmias towards the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia, through the analysis of the ST segment variability, and further to the diagnosis of vegetative dysbalance, using the RR interval variability or heart rate turbulence, and to the assessment of pace-maker functionality. The new technical advances enable significant expansion of the clinical applicability of ECG monitoring with the Holter monitor. Electrocardiographic parameters evaluated with the Holter monitor are an independent predictor of mortality and progression of the chronic heart failure and sudden death. Apart from cardiology, the indications for ambulatory ECG monitoring now include the areas of metabolic and neurological diseases as well as sports medicine.

ambulatory ECG monitoring – arrhythmias – ischemic heart disease - heart rate variability – heart rate turbulence


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