Proximal femoral fractures in multiple injured children

Authors: P. Havránek;  T. Pešl;  J. Bartoníček 1
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dětské chirurgie a traumatologie 3. LF UK a FTNsP, Vídeňská 8 , Praha 0;  Orthopaedic Department of 3rd Faculty Medicine, Charles University Prague 1;  Ortopedicko-traumatologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKV, Šrobárova 5 , Praha Department of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of 3rd Faculty Medicine, Charles University Prague 1
Published in: Úraz chir. 13., 2005, č.1


Over a 20 years period 49 children with 50 proximal femoral fractures were treated at the Department of Pediatric and Trauma Surgery, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague. In 19 the ISS count was more than 16 points. In 11 children the ISS was more than 25 and in 5 over 40 points. One child died. The most frequent concomitant injury was head trauma, usually uncomplicated and multiple long bone fractures. Most serious were abdominal injuries with pelvic fractures or head injury. In the 1980s of 20th century the proximal femoral fractures were most common stabilized temporarily by traction and definitive treatment was deleyed until after complete stabilisation. Currently definitive stabilisation is performed much earlier, usually several hours or days after vital sign stabilisation.

Key words:
proximal femoral fractures, fractures in children, multiple injury, ISS.


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Surgery Traumatology Trauma surgery
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