Possible Influence of Increased Frequency by Manual Treatment of Ligamentum Pubovesicale

Authors: L. Štolc
Authors‘ workplace: Nestátní zdravotnické zařízení Rehabilitace ŠL, Libina
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 25, 2018, No. 3, pp. 91-98.
Category: Original Papers


This pilot study attempts to objectify the dependence of increased tension of pubovesical ligament on the frequency of micturition. In the first phase the author compared the micturition frequency during the night in a group of 60 probands with increased tension of pubovesical ligament as compared with a group of 60 probands without with increased tension of the ligamentum. In the second phase we followed the dependence of micturition on manual treatment of pubovesical ligament. The probands with increased tension of the ligamentum were divided into three groups. The group with performed manual treatment of pubovesical ligament was compared with that who underwent manual treatment in the segments of locomotion apparatus, which is associated with a neurophysiological chain with urinary bladder and also compared with a group without treatment. The conclusions refer to the significant influence of increased tension of the ligament on a higher frequency of micturition of the probands during the day (p<0.05) and the effect of ligament treatment on the decrease of micturition at night as well (p<0.05).


pubovesical ligament, frequency of micturition, urinary bladder


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine
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