The Commonest Neuroendocrine GIT Tumors – Carcinoids

Authors: M. Blažek 1;  M. Hájek 1;  J. Novotný 2
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgické oddělení FN Plzeň-Bory, přednosta: prim. MUDr. V. Karnos 1;  Onkologické centrum oblastní nemocnice Příbram, a. s., primář MUDr. J. Novotný, Ph. D. 2
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2007, roč. 86, č. 12, s. 652-656.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


In the brief report, the authors discuss common malignant GIT tumors- carcinoids.

The aim:
The aim is to mention the principal characteristics and clinical symptoms of these tumors and options of their complex management.

Material and Methodology:
The authors present a brief recap of the tumor incidence in their clinic over a five-year period, and present a case review, where the carcinoid of the ileum presented with the acute abdomen symptoms.

The authors present a patient group of 9 operated subjects with GIT carcinoids. The five- year survival rate on complex therapy was 89.9%. Furthermore, a case of complicated managment of the ileocecal carcinoid is demonstrated. Diagnostics and subsequent follow-up was facilitated by PET CT.

In ileal carcinoids, early clinical symptoms are missing, therefore they are difficult to diagnose prior to surgery. Considering the current imaging methods, PET CT is useful in diagnostics, as well as in subsequent follow-ups.

Key words:
carcinoid – ileus – carcinoid syndrome – PET CT


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery
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