Occupational Infectious Diseases in the West Bohemian Region in 1996-2000

Authors: J. Kohout
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika pracovního lékařství Fakultní nemocnice v Plzni, přednosta doc. MUDr. Josef Kohout, CSc.
Published in: Pracov. Lék., , 2002, No. 1, s. 6-9.


The author analyzed records of infectious diseases, notified in 1996-2000 as occupational diseases. In 92 patients an occupatio-nal disease was notified under item V.1, most frequently scabies was involved (47x), followed by hepatitis (23x, chronic typespredominated) and tuberculosis (11x). Under item V.2 70 diseases were notified, most frequently trichophytosis (43x), borreliosis(8x) and erysipeloid (7x). Under item V.3 one amoebiasis was notified and one case of malaria. The new modification of the list ofoccupational diseases makes it possible to notify cases under item V.1 also from professions beyond the health services, if there isa risk of infection.

Key words:
occupational infectious diseases, scabies, hepatitis, tuberculosis, trichophytosis, borreliosis, erysipeloid

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Hygiene and epidemiology Hyperbaric medicine Occupational medicine
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