Principles of modern marketing in medical assessment service

Authors: Čeledová Libuše 1;  Čevela Rostislav 1;  Borovský Juraj 2
Authors‘ workplace: Odbor posudkové služby, Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR, Praha 1;  CzechHTA Katedra biomedicínské techniky, Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství, České vysoké učení technické v Praze 2
Published in: Reviz. posud. Lék., 16, 2013, č. 4, s. 136-139
Category: Review article


The article presents the means of implementing principles of modern marketing into the management of medical assessment service. For several decades, medical assessment service has been in a difficult position, with increasing requirements regarding the quality and amount of assessment service on the one hand, and ­long-term staffing problems on the other. These problems have been caused by the unattractiveness of medical assessment service, aging of current medical assessment physicians, and an overall lack of medical assessment specialists. Although the outcomes of the work of a few hundred medical assessment physicians represent an annual burden for the state budget of approximately 90 billion CZK, medical assessment service is of marginal interest to both professionals and general public. The cumulation of the above-mentioned aspects will require the medical assessment service to implement effective measures embodied by the 4C marketing medley, in order to prevent further complications. The result of this process should be an independent and financially secure medical assessment service, staffed by highly qualified professionals, operating on clearly defined and stable organisational processes, and based on principles of internal and external marketing and communication.

medical assessment service – marketing – communication


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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