Stressful situations such as the patient’s physician: communication, examination, experience, ethics

Authors: F. Irmiš
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrie a psychosomatika ;  Praha 5
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(2): 101-104
Category: Of different specialties


The work deals with stressful situations doctor-patient (LP). His knowledge may unconsciously interfere with communication on both sides. LP recognizes the auxiliary non-specificity of objective tests, perceives diversity of views on diagnosis, lack of time. Aware of the importance of the process of the disease for diagnosis, due to the potential mismatch between clinical, laboratory and subjective. And the ignorance of individual constitutional reactivity in diagnoses and treatment of the average results of research, comprehensive medical difficulty. Perceives reductionism in specialization, underestimation biosociálního terms, disorders information.

It discussed the issue of atypical diseases, ethics, unconventional medicine, healing, spiritual aspects of ignorance. LP after a history of serious illness gaining a better understanding and empathetic approach to the patient.

doctor-patient, non-specificity of objective methods, communication disorders, average or individual.


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults
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