Double homicide with a damning bite mark on the offender´s body – case report

Authors: Markéta Kulvajtová 1;  Jiří Hladík 1;  Lucie Zemančíková 2
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav soudního lékařství 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha 1;  Krajské ředitelství policie hl. m. Prahy, SKPV, OOK, 1. oddělení 2
Published in: Soud Lék., 62, 2017, No. 1, p. 2-5
Category: Original Article


The authors deal with a case of a double homicide, the parental murder made by their older son, which was committed by a combination of stabbing and cutting wounds. The perpetra-tor tried to hide the bodies, so he doused them with gasoline and set fire to them on a lonely forest road. Then he ran over the remains by his car. The cause of death was in both cases open wound of the neck - autopsy findings of the woman´s body testified for a blood aspi-ration, on the man´s body it was not clear for a partial charring, so the possibilities were blood aspiration, air embolism or external bleeding with haemorrhagic shock. There were also many other injuries on the bodies, especially of the post-mortem origin. During the combat, one of the victims – the mother – bit the assailant´s left forearm. So a few days after creation the injury on murderer´s left upper extremity, the police technicians took photos and during the forensic autopsies of both bodies, authors created the impressions of the teeth. The utilities were loaned from Department of Stomatology of University Hospital Královské Vinohrady in Prague and they were designed for the general adult population. The work was more difficult for the state of mortal remains, which were damaged by combination of fire and blunt violence. However finally the impressions of each arch were made, and they were given to the experts from Institute of Criminalistic Prague, who compared them with pictures of the bite mark. The results of this analysis were used in a court as evidence against the perpetrator.

double homicide – stab and slashed wounds – covering the crime – bite mark - impressions of the teeth


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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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