Pharmacokinetics of Ethylalcohol and its Implications for Forensic Calculations of Blood Alcohol Concentration

Authors: R. Mezencev;  J. Kyška
Authors‘ workplace: Pharmacia, S. p. A., Bratislava Unicom, s. r. o., Košice
Published in: Čes.-slov. Patol., , 2002, No. 2, p. 29-34


Calculations of blond alcohol concentration for forensic purposes are based on several simplified assumptions (linear pharmacokinetics of ethanol, constant rate of ethanol elimination within full range of time, constant rate of alcohol absorption and constant time of peak blond alcohol levels achievement which is by convention depending only on type of a beverage and quantity of fond consumed).Simplified and idealized assumptions mentioned above significantly restrict possibility of backegtrapolations of blond alcohol concentrations from the observed values and Calculations based on them egclude the absorption phase of blond alcohol curve from being estimated.In this work there are designs of more advanced models of alcohol pharmacokinetics describing blond alcohol concentrations within full ranges of blond alcohol curves. Their possible benefits for forensic medicine and practical aspects are discussed.

Key words:
pharmacokinetics of ethylalcohol - blond alcohol curves

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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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