Medical and entrepreneurial character of the community pharmacy

Authors: Ivona Malovecká;  Igor Minarovič;  Daniela Mináriková;  Miroslava Snopková;  Ľubica Lehocká;  Viliam Foltán
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2014; 63, 84-89
Category: Original Articles


Community pharmacy provides citizens with pharmaceutical care and runs its health care business on the market with state regulatory interventions. These restrictions affect its stability and because of that it has to be constantly monitored. The convenient way of monitoring the financial health of a community pharmacy is the use of financial analysis and its outcomes that are profitability, liquidity, debt and productivity ratios. The aim of this paper was to determine the economic situation in the public pharmacy services in Slovakia. A representative set of community pharmacies was established that reflected the criteria of localization by regions in Slovakia, the size of the city or municipality and the legal form of the subject. The financial analysis for the years 2007–2012 showed a declining return on sales (in 2012 to 1.98 %), a decreasing current liquidity (in 2012 to 1.87 %), a declining quick ratio (in 2012 to 1.08 %), a decrease in the time receivables turnover (in 2012 to 53.8 days), a slight increase in the inventory turnover time – days sales in inventory (in 2012 to 36.5 days) and increased turnover time commitments – liabilities turnover (in 2012 to 86.3 days).

community pharmacy • financial health • profitability • liquidity • productivity


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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