Follicular Mucinosis. Case report

Authors: M. Niesnerová 1;  M. Vysloužilová 2
Authors‘ workplace: SPEA Olomouc, s. r. o., zástupce ředitele – náměstek pro LPP MUDr. Petr Němeček 1;  Dermatovenerologické oddělení, Vojenská nemocnice Olomouc, primářka MUDr. Kateřina Teplá 2
Published in: Čes-slov Derm, 95, 2020, No. 2, p. 70-74
Category: Case Reports


The authors present a case of a 33-year old man with multiple lesions of histologically confirmed follicular mucinosis. Treatment with topical corticosteroids led only to mild reduction of the lesions. Overall physical examination did not prove any signs of lymphoproliferation even after 14 months of follow-up. The paper provides an overwiev of current knowledge of this disease.


follicular mucinosis – mucinosis – mycosis fungoides


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