Lucentis in Treatment of AMD CNV – Two Years Experience

Authors: M. Molnárová;  V. Lešková;  P. Demský;  R. Vida;  M. Izák
Authors‘ workplace: II. očná klinika SZU FNsP F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica, prednosta prof. MUDr. Milan Izák, CSc., FEBO
Published in: Čes. a slov. Oftal., 65, 2009, No. 5, p. 182-185


In a study group of 114 patients (39 males ,75 females) with mean age of 72,5 years ( from 52 to 89 years ) with mean follow-up of 8 month we retrospectively studied the effectivity and safety of intravitreal aplication of ranibizumab = Lucentis in the case of wet form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). All patients met the inclusion criteria. The treatmet was realized on outpatient basis under strict application protocol.

In the follow-up period the visual acuity improved in 66 patients (57 %), stabilization was achieved in 17 patients (24.9 %). In a group of 31 patients (27.2 %) the central acuity deteriorated. There were no peroperative complications. In the postoperative period we observed in 22 patients temporary rise of intraocular pressure, in 21 patients suffusion, and in 3 patients there were subretinal haemorrhages found, in 1 case rupture of RPE and in 1case anterior ischemic opticopathy was observed.

Results observed in this study are in full compliance with PRONTO and PIER studies.

Key words:

CNV AMD, intravitreal treatment, antiVEGF – Lucentis


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