Vertebrogenic algic/painful syndrome from the standpoint of insurance and non-insurance systems

Authors: MUDr. Stanislava Sovová
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení LPS, OSSZ Litoměřice
Published in: Reviz. posud. Lék., 15, 2012, č. 2, s. 62-71
Category: Review articles


The pain of vertebrogenic origin is the most frequent complaint bringing the patient to the physician. The overload of the axial system begins as early as around the age of 13 years and culminates about the age of 40 years. It originates in repeated lifting of load, bending, uncoordinated movements and unusual positions. The other risk factors for origin of vertebrogenic pains include overweight, sedentary jobs or, on the contrary, physically requiring occupations and work in imposed positions.

In statistical surveys, vertebrogenic disorders occupy first positions in morbidity as well as in invalidity/disability pension. The communication presents a short out line of evaluating incapacity to work, invalidity, contributions to care and exceptional advantage in the Czech Republic and at the Medical Evaluation Service of Litoměřice.

Key words:
vertebrogenic disorders – painful way of behavior – incapacity to work – invalidity – non-insurance systems


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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