Sorbents Used for the Extraction on the Solid Phase and Their Use

Authors: M. Gargoš;  R. Karlíček
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra analytické chemie Farmaceutické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Hradec Králové
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2001; , 113-119


Extraction on the solid phase is a rapid, simple, effective, and flexible method of preparation ofsamples for the analysis proper and it can be used in many areas of analysis (pharmacy, biochemistry, food industry, environmental examination, etc.). Possible use in on-line and automatic systemsis also advantageous. A very wide scale of proposed sorbents and the use of their combinations thusmake extraction on the solid phase an effective method for the isolation and preconcentration of theanalyte from the complex matrix of the sample.

Key words:
sorbents - extraction - SPE

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