Nosocomial infections from the perspective of medical control and monitored quality of provided health care

Authors: H. Dolanský
Authors‘ workplace: Hutnická zaměstnanecká pojišťovna, Ostrava-Vítkovice
Published in: Listy rev. Lék., 13, 2009, č. 4, s. 58-64


Nosocomial infections represent a significant complication of the health care provided to patients – clients of health insurance companies. Assessment of economical losses related to prevalence of nosocomial infections from the perspective of professional control of a physician reviewer of the health insurance company can be considered as a problematic issue, however not without solution. This experience corresponds to findings from controls undertaken by the physician reviewer at outpatient and inpatient departments in randomly selected health care facilities of the Hutnická Health Insurance Company in 2005–2007.

The contact of clients with a nosocomial infection in relation to provided health care was proved and confirmed by consultations with representatives of the management of both outpatient and inpatient departments. The increase of financial costs related to the increase of the average number of health care days was documented in relation to the increase of morbidity, complications and consumed health care. Goal oriented prevention based on the monitoring and consistent control of hygienic regimen is considered essential in relation to the assessment of the quality of life including its length.

Based on conclusions and recommendations, it is supposed that monitoring of the prevention, control of the quality of the provided health care and economics in health care system will be the significant issue of the professional concern in the field of Review Medicine.

Key words:
incidence of nosocomial infections – physician reviewer – control – ethics – costly care – methodology – register – prevention – education


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Medical assessment Occupational medicine
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