New Tobacco Dependence Pharmacotherapy: Varenicline, Parcial Agonist of α4ß2 Acetylcholin-nicotine Receptors

Authors: E. Králíková
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav hygieny a epidemiologie a Centrum léčby závislosti na tabáku III. interní kliniky 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2006; 145: 832-834
Category: Review Article


Most of adult smokers, up to 80 % in the Czech Republic, would prefer to stop smoking and about 40 % of them try to stop each year. Most often they stop just cold turkey and this means 98 % of them relapsing until one year. Maximum efficacy of intensive currently available treatment is about 20–25 %, so also 75–80 % intensive treated smokers relaps within one year. Available and effective treatment of tobacco dependence would influence significantly morbidity and mortality. Although we cannot expect miracle, new medication varenicline, parcial agonist of α4ß2 acetylcholin-nicotine receptors, seems to contribute to both to a bit higher efficacy, as well as to „medicalization“ of tobacco dependence and increased availability of specialized treatment services. 

Key words:
tobacco dependence, varenicline, α4ß2 acetylcholin-nicotine receptors.

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