Evaluation of the implementation of medical simulations into postgraduate training before completing anesthesiology and intensive care residency program

Authors: T. Prokopová 1,2;  K. Vrbica 1;  J. Hudec 1;  J. Dvořáček 1,2;  R. Gál 1;  J. Maláska 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, a Fakultní nemocnice Brno 1;  Centrum pro rozvoj klinických kompetencí, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno 2
Published in: Anest. intenziv. Med., 32, 2021, č. 2, s. 74-81
Category: Original Article


Objective: Successful completion of a simulation course on critical states has recently become required in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Board Certification process. Firstly, the objectives of this study were to compare data from self-assessment questionnaires answered by the participants before and after completing high-fidelity simulations and, secondly, to evaluate the perception of these simulations by young trainees and whether they will have an effect on their interest in continuing such a training.

Design of the study: Observational; Survey research.

Setting of the study: Department of Anesthesiology at University Hospital.

Materials and methods: The target group were trainees enrolled in the residency training program at our department. Each of them completed two high-fidelity simulation sessions. The clinical scenarios focused on emergencies in anesthesiology i.e. difficult airway management and complications of regional anaesthesia. The simulations were held in an actual operat ing theatre with complete equipment and participating nurse anaesthetists at all times. Overall performance and skills of each trainee and the nurse were assessed, including their level of cooperation. A structured debriefing providing feedback to the participants was held following each simulation. For study purposes, each trainee answered two questionnaires (one preceding the first simulation and the other following the second). The questions aimed at self-assessment and evaluation of the course as such. Methods of descriptive statistics processed the results.

Results: All of 14 residents enrolled in postgraduate training at our institution had participated in the study. Each of them expressed interest in increasing the frequency of training sessions following the simulations; 13 (93 %) felt motivated to gain new theoretical knowledge. All participants were interested in completing additional simulations.

Conclusion: Despite the relatively small study population, the survey demonstrated this education concept very well accept ed. Simulations instigate trainees to deepen their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. From this perspective, medical simulations do have their place in postgraduate training, and their implementation could have a share in increasing erudition in our field.


medical simulation – postgraduate training – Education – survey


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Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care Medicine

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Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Issue 2

2021 Issue 2

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